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3 min read

Decoding the Sweet Satisfaction: Why Chocolate Takes Center Stage When You Put Down the Glass

After a long day, when the craving for that glass of wine or cocktail hits, have you ever found yourself reaching for a bar of chocolate instead? It’s a common phenomenon that has intrigued many, and the science behind it might just surprise you. Turns out, there’s a fascinating connection between kicking the alcohol habit and turning to chocolate for comfort. Keep reading to find out WHY! Dopamine Delights: A…

4 min read

My Journey with Acupuncture: Discovering the Power of Traditional Healing

Just like many others, I hesitated to jump on the acupuncture bandwagon. Little did I…

6 min read

Stress Less: Exploring Drink Alternatives to Promote Relaxation and Reduce Anxiety

If you’re reading this, you’re likely on a quest for non-alcoholic ways to unwind and…

3 min read

Why Alcohol Makes Your Memory All Fuzzy

Drinking too much alcohol can have a direct effect on your memory processes. I’m guessing…


our story

We are two friends - Janay, who is a mindful drinker, and Abbie, who stopped drinking altogether nearly two years ago. We are not here to tell you what to do with your life, but to share all of the beautiful benefits of cutting back or even cutting out alcohol from your life.

We know society is telling you that alcohol = fun, but we think that marketing ploy is outdated. We are here to show you there's a world that exits that's even more fun and rewarding, without all of the headaches and hangovers. :) 

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