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3 min read

Buzz Off! Exploring Low Alcohol Options for When You’re Feeling Soberish

Low-alcohol options refer to beverages that contain a lower amount of alcohol than traditional alcoholic drinks. These options are becoming increasingly popular among people who are looking for ways to reduce their alcohol consumption or avoid its effects altogether. Here are some popular low-alcohol options! Mocktails Mocktails are non-alcoholic cocktails made with juices, syrups, and other mixers. They provide a fun and flavorful alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks. We have…

1 min read

Teetotaler Tinseltown: Redefining Hollywood’s Relationship with Sobriety

Who says the glitz and glamour of Hollywood are synonymous with champagne toasts and cocktail…

3 min read

Rediscovering Life’s Highs: An Inspiring Reading List for Sober Living

Embarking on a sober living journey can be both challenging and incredibly rewarding. Whether you’re…

4 min read

Introduction to Needle Felting: Your New Creative Obsession

I first learned about needle felting on one of my favorite art apps, Creativebug. I…


our story

We are two friends - Janay, who is a mindful drinker, and Abbie, who stopped drinking altogether nearly two years ago. We are not here to tell you what to do with your life, but to share all of the beautiful benefits of cutting back or even cutting out alcohol from your life.

We know society is telling you that alcohol = fun, but we think that marketing ploy is outdated. We are here to show you there's a world that exits that's even more fun and rewarding, without all of the headaches and hangovers. :) 

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